The transformation of the streetscape of Sai Ying Pun since the opening of the MTR station means a gradual disappearance of traditional shops and their neon light signages. The once harmonious and tranquil neighbourhood is now replaced by a dynamic, social conscientious community. Bookshelves for book swapping and small plants were found in Sai Wan showing how the residents care about people around them in the neighbourhood. We hope that these practices can be kept. Our furniture piece installed with neon signs will serve as a reminiscence of the old streetscape of Sai Ying Pun as well as a tribute to the close relationship among the community.
A Stop for Your Book
Wood, metal, neon light
1250mmW x 1150mmH x 650mmD
Artist Bio
Rehyphenate, a duo shuttling between art, craft and design as they create. Gloria makes small things that redefine the body while Joyce rethinks the approach of designing objects in larger scale.
They both studied 3D design in a historic city where a stone castle was built upon the remains of a Roman fortress. It has strong influence on their works though as they are always reinterpreting the existing. This conceptual approach towards design was also rooted by their fine arts background, which they see as the essence of their creative process.